

      [  中关村在线 原创  ]   作者:一便士的月亮


    Carl Pei, the founder and CEO of Nothing, announced on his official account that his company's product sales have exceeded 3 million units in three years. Nothing, founded by Pei after seven years at OnePlus, has released multiple smartphones and wireless earbuds under the Nothing brand.

    In the A round of financing, the Google Venture Capital invested US\$15 million (about RMB 1090 million), and launched its first product Ear (1) wireless earphones. This pair of earphones was priced at US\$99 and was designed by Teenage Engineering with transparent design.

    Later, one year later, it launched the first Android-powered smartphone called "Nothing Phone (1)", which stood out among similar products with Glyph LED lights installed on the back.

    Apart from this, Nothing also acquired the Android co-founder Andy Rubin's smartphone brand Essential, which only released one smartphone during its short life cycle.

    Last year, Nothing launched a sub-brand called CMF targeting the entry-level market. However, Pei did not disclose the exact shipment figures for each category of products in the post.


    mobile.zol.com.cn true https://mobile.zol.com.cn/864/8642330.html report 1094 Carl Pei, the founder and CEO of Nothing, announced on his official account that his company's product sales have exceeded 3 million units in three years. Nothing, founded by Pei after seven years at OnePlus, has released multiple smartphones and wir...
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